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Fitness Contest (Starts Tomorrow) + Series 4.0 & Series 6.0 Updates!
Series 6.0 is coming! And it's WITH weights!! Series 1.0 - 4.0 and Yoga 1.0 are all now available without Amazon Video. And the October
Deadline: Tomorrow
High five me if you used to jam out some Tae Bo with my man, Billy Blanks! (motions a high five to the screen). In high school, I used to...

Spring Forward (Fitness-Style)
It's time for another fitness contest! And this one comes at perfect post-Easter sweets + post-April Fool's + pre-SUMMER BODY timing!...
🍀 IRISH I Was Fit - Starts Tomorrow!
Good morning, friends! Happy SUNDAY! Today in Baltimore, the sun is shining bright and the crazy winds have calmed down - finally! We...

Cyber Monday, Fitness-Style😅
Cyber Monday is about here... and for us that means we kick off our one-week DEFY DECEMBER Fitness Contest — and you need to be...