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🍀 IRISH I Was Fit - Starts Tomorrow!

Good morning, friends! Happy SUNDAY! Today in Baltimore, the sun is shining bright and the crazy winds have calmed down - finally! We lost power Friday night and were 'forced' (it wasn't a bad thing!) to entertain ourselves with cards, ghost stories, a creative dinner & snacks (without reaching into the fridge), and lots of candles! While we made it fun, I'm happy our power is back.😉 However, I know many people still are without power... so I am hopeful their's will be restored STAT.

Despite the weather & crazy things going on in this world... life still goes on & we're responsible for how happy / productive / meaningful / successful / fulfilling our own lives are -- which brings me to this month's fitness group: "IRISH" I WAS FIT! (<< link to check out all the deets)

Except we won't be 'wishing,' we'll be MAKING IT HAPPEN. And when I say making it happen... I mean creating real, LASTING changes. And you'll be rewarded for it - a $25 gift card goes to the overall 'winner' each week (PLUS the reward of your RESULTS - boom). And it doesn't take unrealistic changes to be a winner - real people with realistic changes win. All winners are determined via PERCENTAGE loss, so it's also fair (more info on weekly winner criteria here).

It doesn't take turning your life upside-down to make progress with your health & fitness goals. It's small changes. It's implementing little habits that make you happier & healthier... that are maintainable because they aren't 'HARD.' They're simple. And they don't 'ruin' the fun in your life. Taking on fitness 15-minutes at a time -- DOABLE. Improving your nutrition with easy, quick and really delicious healthy meals -- ALSO doable. This is what this fitness contest is about -- intertwining the two to improve your life.

March's group begins TOMORROW!

The deadline to join is TONIGHT at midnight.

No exceptions.

So if you're interested in learning more, click here to read about all that's included, required, expected and how this will benefit YOU. And if you have ANY QUESTIONS, just shoot me an email. I'm always here for you! And hope to team up with you this month for some fun, fitness & results!😀

Chat with you soon! And have a wonderful, happy day!


PS - summer is coming #goals 🙌🏻

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